понедельник, 2 апреля 2012 г.

Lesson 3. Keeping fit

Active vocabulary: professional, a champion, a team, to win, to lose, a record, a fan, to compete, the Olympic games.
Active grammar: So do I. / Neither do I.
Lesson Map
Look at the pictures. Do you know these sportsmen? What sports do they do? Why are they famous?
2. a) Listen to the conversation, follow in the book and check your ideas.
Phillip: Look at all these posters! Are you a sports fan?
Steve: Yeah! Kind of. I really like watching some sports on TV.
Phillip: So do 1.1 never miss a basketball game.
Steve: Neither do I! Team sports are fun to watch! My favourite player is Michael Jordan. I think he is the greatest basketball player of all time.
Phillip: So do I. I know he was 6 times NBA champi¬on and won 2 Olympic gold medals. And even when his team lost, Michael was often chosen the Best Player. It's a pity he doesn't play anymore.
Steve: I think I could be a professional basketball player. I am tall enough.
Phillip: I'd like to be a professional swimmer one day. I really love to compete. Have you heard of Michael Phelps?
Steve: Who hasn't! He has won 14 Olympic gold medals, the most by any Olympian.
Phillip: Phelps has broken thirty-seven world records in swimming. He's been the World Swimmer of the Year every year since, 2003. He's won every¬thing. And he is only 25 years old. I just don't know what he is going to do next.
Steve: Neither do I. Let's wait for the next Olympics.
   b) Read the conversation, use the words in bold to find the words which mean:
1) to become the best in a sport game or to come first in a race;
2) opposite to 1.
3) a group of people that play or work together;
4) if you do a sport for money, it makes you a ... ;
5) if you win in the Olympic Games, you become an Olympic ... ;
6) someone who really enjoys doing something;
7) the best result in sport;
8) to try to be better than another team or sports man.

3. a) Look at the script again. What phrases do the boys use to show they agree with each other?
    b) Study the examples and label the chart with the words, in the box.
1. I hate playing football indoors. - So do I. It seems there's never enough air.
2. I never win when we play table-tennis at school. - Neither do I.
3. I don't think winning is important in sport. -1 do. I don't like losing.
4. I enjoy doing athletics. - I don't. I prefer team sports.

     c) Study the Grammar Reference section and check.

4. Complete the sentences with one word (neither/either/do/don’t).
   1. Peter does weightlifting to look stronger. - ... (1) do I.
   2. I have never done yoga. - ... (2) have I.
   3. We believe dancing can help you keep fit. - I... (3).
   4. Mike doesn't like watching team sports. - I... (4).

5. a) Agree or disagree with the following statements. Explain your opinion.
   1. I hate losing in sport.
   2. When I play badminton I always win.
   3. I don't think fans can help sportsmen a lot.
   4. I believe being a professional sportsman is hard work.
   5. I have to practise athletics a lot to become a champion.
   6. I enjoy watching Olympic Games.
   7. I never try to break a record when I compete.

    b) Write your own statements about sports. Replace the underlined words in ex. 5a with your own ideas.
    c) Work in pairs. Read your statements out in turn. See if your partner agrees with you.

6. Work with a new partner. Think of two famous sports-people. Make up a conversation about them. Use the conversation in ex. 2a as a model.

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