понедельник, 2 апреля 2012 г.

Lesson 2. Skating is great fun

Active vocabulary: to skate, roller skates; gerund.
Lesson Map
1. a) Read the poem. Try to guess what words are missing (the first letters of the words are given).
               My roller skates
   My roller skates won't ever do
   The simple things I w... them to.
   I put them on and try my best.
   But one goes E... and the other goes W... .

   I often fall upon the floor.
   I stand up and try once m... .
   But my roller skates think they know best:
   One still goes E... and the other goes W... .

Finola Akister

b) Listen to the poem and check your guesses.
c) Work in pairs. Read the poem as if you are
- a six-year old child,
- ninety-year-old person,
- a teenager,
- a frog.
2. a) Look at the pictures. What are the people doing? Which of these sports have you tried or would like to try?

   b) Listen to the interview with three teenagers and say which picture doesn’t go with the text.
   c) Listen to the interview again and complete the sentences below.
 1) … is a form of exercise and it’s fun to do.
2) Yes, I really enjoy …, it’s fun and it’s also a really good feeling when you can do a new trick.
3) We hate … .
4) And you shouldn’t be afraid of … different tricks, some of the things we do are not for everybody.
5) My mum thinks … is dangerous.
6) I like … … in the air.
   d) Look at the sentences in ex. 2c again and try to answer the questions:
      - Как образуется герундий?
      - Свойствами каких частей речи он обладает?
      - После каких слов используется  герундий?
      - Как переводится герундий на русский язык

3. Make true sentences about yourself.
   1. I like/don’t like (play) sport games.
   2. I hate/like (jog) in the morning.
   3. I am/am not afraid of (skate).
   4. I think/don’t think (dive) is fun.
   5. In my opinion (swim) is/isn’t the best way to keep fit.

4. a) Look at the questions below. Change them into personal questions.
    Example: 1. Do you enjoy skateboarding?
1. How many people enjoy skateboarding?
2. Who in your group thinks jogging is not for them?
3. Who in the group is thinking of taking up athletics?
4. How many people think keeping fit is difficult?
5. Who in the group likes watching gymnastics?
6. Is there anybody who hates cycling?
7. Does anyone know a person who is afraid of swimming?
8. How many people have tried diving?
9. Who in the group has seen someone doing yoga?
10. Is there anybody who thinks doing weightlifting is fun?
    b) Choose one question from ex. 4a. Walk around the classroom and collect the answers to the question.
    c) Report on your findings.
Example: Only 5 people in our group enjoy skateboarding.

5. Work in groups. Ask and answer the following questions.
- What sports do you like doing in summer/winter?
- What games do you like playing in summer/winter?
- What do you hate doing in summer/winter?
- What are you afraid of doing in summer/winter?
- What do you think is the best thing to do in summer/winter?

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