среда, 21 декабря 2011 г.

What do you know about rugby? (Teacher’s notes)

   It is a good idea to find pictures of rugby, to help introduce the lesson and some of the vocabulary. You could put them on the board, and ask the students what they are pictures of.
   Read through the introduction with the students, then ask them to do the quiz with a partner.
   Have a brief class feedback.
   Answers: 1. d. an own goal;   2. c. a corner;   3. c. a striker;   4. b. Germany

   Reading 1 
   Ask students to read the article and decide which of the statements are true and which are false.
   Answers: 1 F;   2 T;   3 T;   4 F;   5 T;   6 T;   7 F;   8 T;   9 T;   10 F.

   Reading 2 
   Ask students to read the passage again and answer the questions, then discuss them with a partner.
1. Because of professionalism
2. League is dull and repetitive and involves 13 players. Union is dynamic and involves 15
3. The ears of forwards that have been damaged because of playing in scrums.
4. They were too unpredictable – too inconsistent.
5. There are too many. Because they are worth 3 points, there is too much emphasis on
players kicking goals, which is boring, rather than trying to score tries.
6. Other teams (notably Australia and New Zealand) select their players.
7. People are interested in football now.

   Vocabulary in context 
   Ask students to match the words to their definition.
   Answers: flair - stylish ability; scourge worst thing; besotted - totally obsessed; distorted - twisted into the wrong shape; fearsome - frightening in appearance; arch-rivals - chief competitors; willowy - very slim and athletic; bronzed - sun-tanned; dull – boring; misshapen - twisted into the wrong shape.
   Ask students to find the words in the passage, and discuss what they are describing. 
   Answers: flair = France; scourge = penalties; besotted = Wales (with football); distorted =_____; fearsome = New Zealand; arch-rivals; willowy; bronzed; dull; misshapen.

   Ask students to think of a sport that is popular in their country, and prepare to discuss it. Ask them to describe their sport to their partner.  

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