среда, 14 декабря 2011 г.

The Tower of London (YOUR TASK)

1. Before you start watching, make sure you understand the words below that you will hear in the video. 
   bloody – running with blood; involving bloodshed
   to dominate – to be the most influential
   jewel – precious stone
   treasure – accumulated wealth
   ghost – supposed of apparition of a dead person or animal

2. Suggest Russian equivalents for the following word combinations. Write them down in the blanks. One is done for you.
   Beefeater – служитель охраны лондонского Тауэра
   Execution –  ___________________________
   Murder –  _____________________________
   Armour –  ____________________________
   Traitor –  _____________________________
   Crown –  _____________________________
   Bungle –  ____________________________

3. Give short answers to these questions. Write them down in the blanks.
1) How many visitors do come to the Tower of London every year? ___________
2) “The Tower has a bloody past”. Why? ________________________________
3) What is the Tower of London now? __________________________________
4) Which of the facts are the most surprising for you? ______________________

4. Watch the video again and fill in the blanks with the necessary words.
Write them down in the blanks.
1) The Tower with ________, its arms and armour, _____________ and ___________ is number one in Britain’s top 10 castles and palaces.
2) The Tower of bloody past involves _________________________.
3) The men who guard the Tower – and the Crown Jewels – are _____________.
   They can tell you everything about its history.
4) Many prisoners entered the Tower of London through the ______________________.
5) For many people the Tower of London means ______________.

Follow up 
5. Discuss with your partners and say:
Why is the Tower of London called an open history book?

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