среда, 14 декабря 2011 г.


1. Go over the clear up any difficulties of understanding.
a) Burger Palace – название ресторана
    Whopping Burger – сорт гамбургера
b) Try to understand the meaning of the following words using the Linguistic Corpus.
Training session
Lettuce [`letis]
To wrap

2. Make up word combinations with words from the exercise 1b.

3. Listen to the manager at Burger Palace discussing a recipe with Carol, a young co-worker. Check your comprehension choosing the correct answer to the following questions.
1. How many days does Carol work at the Palace?
a) it’s her first day;
b) ten days;
c) since last week.
2. What type of food is Whopping Burger?
a) it’s a type of salad;
b) it’s a kind of soup;
c) it’s a sort of sandwich.
3. What kind of sauce is used for Whopping Burger?
a) mayonnaise;
b) secret sauce;
c) tomato sauce.
4. How do they serve Whopping Burger?
a) on a plate;
b) in a pot;
c) wrapped in paper.
5. Which is the most important ingredient in Whopping Burger?
a) cheese;
b) lettuce;
c) hamburger patty.

4. Listen to the conversation again paying attention to the way the hamburger is made. Choose the ingredients used for the hamburger from the box below.

5. Match the words on the left with the verbs in the column on the right.

6. Fill in the missing prepositions.

1. The bun is cut ________ three sections. 2. One patty is placed _______ the bottom part ______ the bun. 3. All ______ this is then covered _________ the middle layer of the bun. 4. The sandwich is wrapped –ready ________ the customer. 5. I don’t think I’ll have any trouble _________ that.

7. Use the words on the right at the beginning of the appropriate phrase.
Uh, let me see if I’ve got that. ______ the hamburger patty. _______ sauce, lettuce, pickles and onions. All of this is _______ covered by the middle layer of the bun. _____ the next layer of the sandwich is made. ______ another hamburger patty, more secret sauce…
_______ the top of the bun is added.
_______ the sandwich is wrapped-ready for the customer.
   So I add
   Now, once that’s done

In your opinion is it easy to make a hamburger? Do you think you could make it? Are there any times of the day when people usually have hamburgers? Do people usually have hamburgers for breakfast? lunch? dinner?

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