среда, 21 декабря 2011 г.

How to keep Fit

   A. Match the verbs with the right words.
a. eat
b. keep
c. stay
d. do
e. go
f. put on
g. lose
h. shape
i. have
j. take
k. do
l. be
m. take care
n. work out
1. an unhealthy lifestyle
2. exercise
3. your muscles
4. a lot of weight
5. healthy food
6. exercise
7. overweight
8. some weight
9. in shape
10. of your body
11. on a diet
12. in the gym
13. fit
14. sports

What do you know about rugby? (Teacher’s notes)

   It is a good idea to find pictures of rugby, to help introduce the lesson and some of the vocabulary. You could put them on the board, and ask the students what they are pictures of.
   Read through the introduction with the students, then ask them to do the quiz with a partner.
   Have a brief class feedback.


   The main characters are Peter Colt (Paul Bettany) and Lizzie Bradbury (Kirsten Dunst).
   Watch this film and be ready to do the following exercises.

What do you know about rugby?

   On October 11th 2003, the Rugby World Cup 2003 started, with a match between Australia, who won the last World Cup tournament in 1999, and Argentina.

среда, 14 декабря 2011 г.

Places to visit


1. Go over the clear up any difficulties of understanding.
a) Burger Palace – название ресторана
    Whopping Burger – сорт гамбургера

The Tower of London (YOUR TASK)

1. Before you start watching, make sure you understand the words below that you will hear in the video. 
   bloody – running with blood; involving bloodshed
   to dominate – to be the most influential
   jewel – precious stone
   treasure – accumulated wealth
   ghost – supposed of apparition of a dead person or animal

вторник, 13 декабря 2011 г.

The Tower of London

   You don’t have to search for history in London, there is history around virtually every comer. The most obvious landmarks are the Tower of London, Westminster Abbey and the Houses of Parliament.

Northern Ireland


   Northern Ireland occupies the north-eastern part of Ireland, which is separated from the island of Great Britain by the North Channel. In the south-west Northern Ireland borders on the Irish Republic (Eire).
   Almost all the area of Northern Ireland is a plain of volcanic origin, deepening in the centre to form the largest lake of the British Isles, Lough Neagh.
   The greatly indented coastline of Northern Ireland is abundant in rocks and cliffs.
   Northern Ireland has a typical oceanic climate with mild damp winters (the mean temperature in January is +4, +5) and cool rainy summers (the mean temperature in July is +14, +15).



   Wales is a peninsula washed by the sea on three sides: the Bristol Channel in the south, the St. George's Channel in the west, and the Irish Sea in the north. Its territory is 20,8 thousand sq. km.
   Geographically Wales may be considered part of highland Britain, the Cumbrian Mountains occupying most of the land. It is an area of high mountains, deep valleys, waterfalls and lakes.
   Wales is a region of heavy rainfall brought by the prevailing west winds from the Atlantic Ocean. The valleys are sheltered by the high mountains from cold east winds. The climate is rather mild.



   Wales is a peninsula washed by the sea on three sides: the Bristol Channel in the south, the St. George's Channel in the west, and the Irish Sea in the north. Its territory is 20,8 thousand sq. km.
   Geographically Wales may be considered part of highland Britain, the Cumbrian Mountains occupying most of the land. It is an area of high mountains, deep valleys, waterfalls and lakes.
   Wales is a region of heavy rainfall brought by the prevailing west winds from the Atlantic Ocean. The valleys are sheltered by the high mountains from cold east winds. The climate is rather mild.



   Of the four countries which make up the United Kingdom, England is the largest. It occupies an area of 131,8 thousand sq. km. England borders on Scotland in the north. In the east it is washed by the North Sea. In the south it is separated from the continent by the English Channel. In the west it borders on Wales and is washed by the Bristol Channel and by the Irish Sea.
   The highest part of England is in the west, from where the land gradually slopes down to the east.
   The Atlantic Ocean washes the rocky and broken west coast of England, Wales and Scotland and is gradually wearing it away, leaving caves and sandy beaches. On the east coast the land is low and sandy.
   The rivers flowing to the east and emptying into the North Sea form deep estuaries well protected from the sea. The greatest port of the country Lon­don is conveniently situated in the Thames estuary.
   The white chalk cliffs of the south coast washed by the English Channel can be seen from many miles out at sea.
   As concerns the relief, England can be divided into: Northern England mostly taken up by the low Pennine Mountains, the Central Plain, lowland South­east England, and hilly South-west England.

Geography of the UK


   The United Kingdom of Great Britain and North­ern Ireland is situated on the British Isles — a large group of islands lying off the north-western coast of Europe and separated from the continent by the English Channel and the Strait of Dover in the south and the North Sea in the east.
   The British Isles consist of two large islands — Great Britain and Ireland — separated by the Irish Sea, and a lot of small islands, the main of which are the Isle of Wight in the English Channel, Anglesea and the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea, the Hebrides — a group of islands off the north-western coast of Scotland, and two groups of islands lying to the north of Scotland: the Orkney Islands and the Shetland Islands.
   Historically the territory of the United Kingdom is divided into four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The total area of the United Kingdom is 244 sq km.
   The name Britain is sometimes used to refer to the United Kingdom as a whole. The capital is London, which is among the world's leading commercial, financial, and cultural centers. Other major cities include Birmingham, Liverpool, and Manchester in England, Belfast and Londonderry in Northern Ireland, Edinburgh and Glasgow in Scotland, and Swansea and Cardiff in Wales. 
   The coastline of Great Britain is greatly indented, especially in the west and north-west where the moun­tains come close to the coast. The coasts of Scotland, as well as the coasts of the Hebrides, the Orkney Islands and the Shetland Islands, are cut by numerous fiords. In the south and east the land gradually slopes down towards the sea, and the coasts are sandy and gentle, here and there interrupted by the ends of hill-ranges, which form low cliffs.