воскресенье, 29 сентября 2013 г.


1a. Match the verbs with the adjectives and their translation.
socialize       enjoyable            вообразимый
rely on         changeable         приятный
enjoy           imaginable          доставляющий удовольствие
change         agreeable          общительный
imagine        sociable             надежный
agree           reliable              изменчивый

1b. Make compound words from the following words.
Shoulder      building             shoulder-length
Body           going   
Kind            length   
Hard            built   
Well             hearted   
Pony            working   
Well             organised   
Easy            tail

1c. Read what people say about their friends and fill in the words from ex. 1a and 1b. 
     A. Her name’s Elizabeth, Liz for short. She’s a bit taller than I am. She’s got long dark hair and she likes to wear it in a (1) ____. She’s (2) ____ and sociable and what makes her a real friend – very (3) ____. Yes, you can always rely on her. She’ll never let the cat out of the bag. She can’t live without shopping, which makes us closer. Liz is a nice person, I would say, (4) ____.
    B. He’s in his early thirties. He’s got (5) ____ hair, a round face and a beard. He’s quite (6) ____ and muscular. Jeff is crazy about sports, especially (7) ____. What I appreciate (ценю) most is that he’s really (8) ____. He sometimes stays in his office till midnight. And he’ll always lend a helping hand.
   C.  He’s a bit younger than I am. He’s a little shorter, but we look very similar. We don’t spend as much time together as we used to when we were younger, but we play football from time to time and we sometimes go jogging in the morning. George is a (9) ____ person, no wonder he’s very popular with girls. Anв I think he’s really (10) ____. He’s very good at time management. But unfortunately his mood (настроение) is (11) ____, which sometimes makes him difficult to get along with.
   D. I think Natasha is the most (12) ____ person I know. She makes friends easily, for she’s sociable by nature. Imagine … She’s got three mobile telephones and she’s always on the phone. She enjoys outdoor life and never gets bored. She’s naughty sometimes but when you talk to her you realize how lovely she is. We spend (13) ____ time together chatting about different things. She’s the best person (14) ____.

2a. Fill in the possessive pronouns mine, yours, his, hers, theirs, ours.
1) - Is it your bag?
    - No, it isn’t _____.   
2) Peter has done his homework, but Dan hasn’t done _____.
3) - This is my ticket. Where’s _____?
    - It’s here.   
4) The Browns are painting their house. The Jones have already painted _____.
5) - Is this your dog?
    - Yes, it’s _____!   
6) Pamela likes her hair, but Linda doesn’t like _____.

2b. Choose the right pronoun.
1. Tom is a friend of (my / mine / me).
2. It’s easy to deal with (him / his / he).
3. We should support (us / our / ours) friends.
4. My hobby is dancing. What’s (you / your / yours)?
5. Friends usually share (them / their / theirs) secrets.
6. Helen and I have different music tastes. My favourite music style is rock, (she / her / hers) is hip-hop.
7. Our teacher is very friendly, she always understands (us / our / ours).

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